Watchers - 2022 Graduation Film & Mof / Film de fin d'études 2022

Tom et sa fille Lily souffrent de la mort de Laura, sa compagne et sa mère. Elle est devenue une Watcher, une personne inanimée flottant dans les airs, au-dessus de la population. Mais Tom ne peut se résoudre à cette disparition.

Tom and his daughter Lily suffer from the death of Laura, his partner and her mother. She has become a Watcher, an inanimate person floating in the air above the population. But Tom cannot come to terms with her disappearance.

Directors: Nizar Anan, Léa-Marie-Lune Cloatre, Victor Jonnet, Henri Palumbo, Ludovic Sardain, Léo Serrano
CG Short CG Short - Making Of