
Vodka "Cranes"


This is TV commercial Vodka "Cranes" where i was responsible for CG clouds and for the final look of all shots according to the directors references. The clouds were created in houdini using custom procedural volume shader and rendered with mantra render. Compositing was done in Nuke.

This was a great challenge: RnD took something about 1-2 weeks. I`ve to tryed several software tools like Maya Fluids and Vue, but in this case houdini occurred most flexible(and the fastest in render time - avr. 15 minutes per frame). The rest of the work(just choosing the right shape of the clouds for each shot and setting the light, render and compose) was done in 3 weeks.

CG Adv - Making Of
CG clouds, clouds, TVC, TV commercial, vodka, procedural volume shader, houdini, mantra, compositing, volume light setup, render, making of, processing