
The Answer - Animated Short Film


This is the Final Year Graduation Film by Florent Rubio and Xin Zhao.

Visit our personal websites:



Read our Interview with AnimSchool here: http://www.animschoolblog.com/2014/03/animschool-interview-xin-zhao-and.html

Thank you to Penny Holton, Nigel Kitching and the others who provided feedback !! :D

Thanks Fernando Zamora for the amazing Voice Acting for the book narration!!!

The Answer is a short film about a man trying to get rid off his half-shaved beard after his shaver broke during his preparation for an upcoming date. After trying everything he could think of, the solution appears to him after reading a mysterious book called The Answer

The aim of this project is to produce a three minutes 3D animation short with high quality character animation which could allow us to demonstrate my solid animation skills. This project will also be a unique blend of 3D animation, 2D Flash animation and Motion Graphics.

For more information, please visit our project blog:


CG Short
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