
Sugar - A Bittersweet Journey - A CGI Animated Short Film by Ilya Landshut


"Sugar - A Bittersweet Journey" tells the story of an extraterrestrial exploring the universe for sugar in order to rescue his beloved planet. Ever since I was a little boy, I was fascinated by the concept, that we are not alone in the universe. I kept asking myself if there are other beings like us. My goal was to create an extraterrestrial character very different, yet so similar to us; someone with problems, needs and dreams aswell.

​The story shows, that no matter how far you venture into deep space, your home will always be the place you cherish most. For just this purpose, the alien, Mr.Green, has undertaken his vast travels. The production took place at the hamburg university of applied sciences troughout 7 semesters (about 4 years).

​The CGI was created in blender, the production´s primary 3d animation software. The sounddesign and music were produced at the university´s sound and foley studio, the Tonlabor Haw Hamburg.  

​The film was animated in 16:9 aspect ratio and has a runtime of about 7 minutes. I directed, wrote and created the cgi for the film. The sound design was made by Xuecong Chen and the music by Yinjun Zhang.

© 2020 Ilya Landshut

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CG Short