Starcraft 2 Trailer HD


This is the Blizzard entertainment Trailer for Starcraft 2. It took forever to upload. But it was worth it. Because you all get to watch this is HD. Beautiful crystal clear Blizzard animation. Enjoy!

Update: Recently one of the comments pointed out where a subliminal message was. I knew this already but its cool to point out.

If you look around through the video at the 6th second you'll find a picture of the Blizzard crew posing for the shot. Its blueish and faded but its there... You can find it about half way threw the 6th second, it will take a few tries to get.

But for those who wanted to confirm their success or those who have just given up.... I found it again myself and took a screenshot in Hd on full screen. Heres what it looked like.
