
Samsung Curved Experiment Making Of

Launching a new screen format is not something you do everyday. Combining that with gladiators and swordplay and we’re definitely interested!

After our first meeting with Great Works, we understood that this concept was going to be special.

The challenge was to create an environment which felt rich, yet loopable and economical in terms of bandwidth. This environment was to continue “outside” the normal screen area, and be revealed by using your smart phone in a clever way.

We started by building the environment, the colosseum, and loads of assets. We made a lighting setup that would enable a large team to look develop gladiators, pillars and the myriads of props that were needed to dress the set while at the same time keeping the process flexible and dynamic.

A big challenge was the animation, keeping the loops as short and interesting as possible, while also keeping the iteration times low so that we could meet the client’s vision on time.

Due to data limitations we had to be smart about the layout, arranging all the elements and interactive objects in the colosseum to make it look epic as well as function technically.

The end result was textured onto a dome with the separate objects textured onto cards in 3D space. Then it was up to the pioneering programmers at Great Works and State to carry the torch!

The Samsung Curved Experiment site received FWA's Site of the day award on June 17th!
CG Adv - Making Of
ilp, samsung curved experiment, making of