
RISE REEL - Doctor Sleep


This reel showcases the visual effects work created at

RISE | Visual Effects Studios

In 2019 RISE was asked to dive deep into Stanley Kubrick's world: Based on the bestselling book by Steven King, "Doctor Sleep" picks up the story first brought to the big screen in the cult classic "The Shining", decades later. Supervisors Benjamin Burr and Florian Gellinger recreated iconic environments in great detail, researched in an effort of VFX archeology, like the Overlook Hotel, the bloody elevator seen from various angles and the snowy hedge maze.

"Doctor Sleep" is now out on DVD, Blu-Ray and all Video-on-Demand platforms.

The work at RISE Stuttgart was kindly supported by MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg.

All content of this reel is protected by copyright laws and is owned by RISE FX GmbH or licensed from it′s clients - duplication or redistribution of any kind is strictly prohibited. © Copyright 2020 RISE FX GmbH - all rights reserved.
