
Puzzle Head

We’re pleased to present our newest project called Puzzle Head. It was created in collaboration with McCann Health NY. The creation of these images and video involved Photography, Live Action shots, Camera Mapping, Facial Scanning, CGI, Animation, and massive amounts of Retouching and Post Editing. This campaign was one of the most challenging productions for Lightfarm to date, and we give a special thanks to all the people at McCann Health NY for their trust and partnership throughout the project.

Agency: McCann NY

Lightfarm Creative CG Director: Rafael Vallaperde

Concept Art: Giselle Almeida and Diego Barcellos

Photography & Video Production: Stefani Pimenta, Pedro Lucas and Karen Maia

Photographer: Milton Menezes

Photography Assistants: Anderson Santos, and Daniel Silva

Director of Video Photography: Alexandre Mandarino

CGI: Diego Maricato, Marcelo Cabral and Diogo Reis

CGI Coordinator: Ricardo Daroz

Retouching: Marcéu Lobo and Ramon Saroldi

Animation: Kawe de Sa and Viviane Rodrigues

Editing, Post-production and Finishing: Thiago Paladino and Jales Rosa

Producers: Stefani Pimenta and Krystal Leasure
CG Adv