PolyWorld is a personal 3D animation project that tells the story of a low-poly-style world inhabited by different kind of living beings. There are three episodes in total, and this is the second one.
FIRST EPISODE: https://vimeo.com/161801658
THIRD EPISODE: https://vimeo.com/207863112
This second episode (Dusty Land Emperor) showcases the dangers that lurk under the calm and silent lands of the desert.
"The powerful are not as powerful as they seem, nor the weak as weak."
I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did doing it.
Music composed by a very talented friend of mine: Jose García Baños.
Aside from music, project entirely made by me. Meet my social media:
If you enjoyed the video, I would appreciate any support on its behance page: https://www.behance.net/gallery/36608237/PolyWorld-Low-Poly-3D-Animation-(Episode-II)
POLYWORLD - EPISODE 02 - September 2014 - May 2016
- Category
- CG Short
- Tags
- Desert, Low Poly World, Low Poly, Cinema 4d, low poly animation, animation, Rigging, 3d animation, nomad, PolyWorld