
Nix (Video Game Trailer 2019)

Graduation Video Game
School : ISART DIGITAL, the Video Game and 3D Animation / VFX School

Our hero's planet was colonized by an invader and his civilization's temple turned into a maximum security prison. He will have to use his time machine to travel between 3 epochs, in order to find his way out and help his people in the war raging on the outside.

Platform : PC + Controller
Engine : Unreal Engine 4
Number of players : 1
Genre : Infiltration

Projet de fin d'études
Ecole : ISART DIGITAL, l'école du jeu vidéo et de l'animation 3D-FX

Après que sa planète ait été colonisée et le temple de sa civilisation transformé en prison de haute sécurité, notre héros devra utiliser sa machine à voyager dans le temps pour s'échapper et venir en aide à son peuple.

Producer : Samuel Amzallag
Game Art : Bosi Cheng, Alex Martin, Caroline Pierrot, Théo Lhuissier
Game Programming : Quentin Million, Bastien Leduc
Music & Sound Design : Benjamin Thomas

Ready to play Nix? https://isart-digital.itch.io/nix
CG Short