
Juice | QATAR National Day 2020


The commemoration of Qatar's unification in 1878 – Qatar National Day is the biggest and one of the most important celebrations of the year. This special day is celebrated with great fanfare and reverently – with a colorful parade, a mesmerizing fireworks display lighting up Doha's skyline. But most importantly this is a ceremony of Qatari national Identity – its history, values, traditions, and culture. We were invited to create a story, that would appeal to every, proud Qatari. The video is also a part of a wider mission – to reach the youngest generation, where using animation as a medium to do so is still rare and quite unique.

Under Michał Misińki's direction – our CG and Sound team were able to create a moving painting – a visual journey through the remarkable history of Qatar. We dived deeply into the country's story and its heritage to make sure we don't miss even tiny detail in visuals and the narrative.

The film was published on all QND social media channels, national TV stations – Qatar TV, Alrayyan TV, Alkass, and on the Doha360 digital platform.

A big THANK YOU to the fantastic experts from Laddam Cultural Centre we got all the needed historical documents and references that allowed us to scrupulously build the story piece by piece.

A big THANK YOU to Tommy Zee for helping us to enframe the story by heroic music composition.


– from the scratch: creating the scenario, through concepts, to CGI, animation & sound mix

– details: 18 types of characters wearing special outfits (we know what eghal, ghutra and thobe is now), 3 types of animals, 17 crowds, more than 30 environments

– a special set of brushes was created and passed to our tech-savvy masters to achieve the painting look output

– 4 min long full CG video

– 2 mln views on Twitter in 4 days

Client: Qatar National Day Organizing Committee

Executive Producer: H.E. Salah Bin Ghanim Al Ali

Producer: Krystian Gierycz

Production Coordination: Yasmin Rihawi

Director: Michał Misiński

Animation & Sound Studio: Juice

Support: Animanistan, Base Mash, DAT

Script & Idea: Beata Bartecka, Michał Misiński, Olga Rabiecka

Producer: Olga Rabiecka

CG Supervisors & R&D: Marko Zarić, Andrzej Sykut

Art Director: Magdalena Potakowska

Cultural Expertise & Art Producer: Beata Bartecka

Concept & Matte Painting Artists: Magdalena

Potakowska, Zuzanna Gałuszka, Hanna Czyżewska, Tomasz Świżewski, Marcin Basta, Michał Sałata, Emilia Trawińska

Storyboard Artist: Zuzanna Kossak

Previs/Motion Capture/Rigging/Animation/Animation Supervision: Animanistan

Modeling / Texturing / Shading Artists: Piotr Koczan, Daria Szczypiorowska, Kacper Kyc, Agnieszka Kazibudzka, Mirosław Gołofit, Kateryna Vasylenko

Rigging Artist: Tymoteusz Juras

Animation Artists: Tomasz Woroniak, Paweł Żugaj, Michał Walkowski, Michał Wojciechowski, Maciej Wojtkiewicz, Tymoteusz Juras, Zuzanna Suska

Grooming Artist: Jarosław Handrysik

Simulation Artists: Jarosław Handrysik, Agnieszka Kazibudzka, Kacper Kyc

FX Artists: Kamil Kryński, Paweł Pojedynek

Lighting & Rendering Artists: Andrzej Sykut, Karol Próba, Łukasz Walicki, Jarosław Handrysik, Przemysław Nawrocki

Compositing Artists: Andrzej Sykut, Szymon Jaskuła, Tomasz Potakowski, Wojciech Świątkiewicz, Krzysztof Łucki, Selim Sykut, Przemysław Czapla

Grading Artist: Szymon Jaskuła

Offline Artists: Grzegorz Kapelczak

IT: Jarosław Ćwirzeń, Tomasz Szymski, Bartek Schmar

Team Coordinator: Maciej Tunikowski

Music Composition/Orchestration/Production: Tommy Zee & Co.

Sound Producer: Sylwia Szczepankiewicz

Sound design: Michał 'Jurgen' Jaroszewicz, Wojciech Sławacki, Michał Wróblewski

CG Adv
education, history, director, sfx, sound design, sound, full 3D, painting, paint, desert, horse, dust, war, particles, stylized animation, character design, design, stylized, stylised