
I made a complete 3d animation using Mixamo and Blender 2.93


This animation was Marco's second attempt to make a character-driven short using a combined Mixamo animation movie. It took a while to do, and despite it being pretty rough still, this has proven to us at least, that it IS possible to create an animated short by leveraging motion capture libraries with minimal to no character animation skills! Marco learned a lot in the process of creating this, and he hope this at least inspires you to try make mocap driven animations for yourselves!

We'll be releasing a series of tips that I picked up along the way, making use of Mixamo in Blender 3.0, as well as a bit of Da Vinci Resolve.
If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments so I can make videos that can answer them in detail. Cheers, and happy Blending!

Music is also made by Marco :)

CG Short