The movie was directed by Jakub Jabłoński and Bartek Kik. Inspired by the anime aesthetic, the directors created a story about a quarantined city that serves as a stage for the duel of two giant cats.
Plastic Demoscene Group were the brains behind creating a benchmark, a piece of software that evaluates the performance of a given computer setup.
Directed by: Jakub Jabłoński & Bartek Kik
CG Supervisor: Michał Gryn
Producers: Marcin Kobylecki & Mart Staniszewska
Plastic Demoscene Group were the brains behind creating a benchmark, a piece of software that evaluates the performance of a given computer setup.
Directed by: Jakub Jabłoński & Bartek Kik
CG Supervisor: Michał Gryn
Producers: Marcin Kobylecki & Mart Staniszewska
- Category
- CG Short