
Canvas "The Bears"


I directed this spot for Canvas Furniture for Leo Burnett Toronto at Mill+

Featuring two full CG bears in a house while they arrange the furniture and making their place cozy for the winter hibernation.

Shot on location in Toronto and post produced at Mill New York.

Agency: Leo Burnett Toronto

VP, Group Account Director: Natasha Dagenais

Account Supervisor: Wendy Richardson

GCD, Art Director: Nicole Ellerton

GCD, Writer: Morgan Kurchak

SVP, Director of Production Services: Franca

Production: Mill+

Director: Andres Eguiguren

Head of Content: Ian Bearce

Executive Producer: Zu Al-Kadiri

Producer: Kerry Taylor

Line Producer: Mike Masters

Production Coordinator: Joey Bilewcz

Shoot Supervisor: Yong Chan Kim

Director of Photography: Sean Valentini

Production Services: Brought To You By Inc

Producers: Aidan Corrigan, Matthew Barnett, Tatjana Green

Line Producer: Mike Masters

Production Coordinator: Joey Bilewcz

VFX Production: The Mill

Executive Producer: Zu Al-Kadiri

Deputy Head of Production: Georgina Castle

Associate Producer: Sophie Mitchell

Editor: Ryan McKenna

Colourist: Damien Van Der Cruyssen

Chief Creative Officer: Angus Kneale

Shoot Supervisor: Yong Chan Kim

2D Lead Artist: Kshitij Khanna

3D Lead Artist: Yong Chan Kim

2D Artist: Yoon-sun Bae, Heather Kennedy, Rachel Moon

3D Artists: Arman Matin, Harlan Qiu, Juan Carlos Barquet, Ryan Federman, Scott Denton, Yimo Xu, Raj Kumar MSathyaraj A, Sendil Kumar J

Finish Artist: Kevan Lee

Matte Painting: Carlos Nieto

Animation: John Wilson, Alex Allain, Jessica Castillo

Storyboard Artists: Rachel Tomis, Mark Alan Yates

Pitch Artists: Alex Clark, Eve Grissinger

CG Adv
Canvas, mill, millplus, canadian, tire, promo, commercial, furniture, canada, animation, characters, andres, eguiguren, vfx, CGI, @millchannel, @canadiantire, @canvas, @leoburnetttoronto
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