Argon Alien Covenant Previs Reel

After Prometheus and The Martian, our third opportunity to work with director Ridley Scott was on Alien Covenant.

Working closely with Ridley and VFX Supervisor Charley Henley, we created previs for the 3 big creature fights in the movie, Med Bay, Lifter Rescue and Terraformer Bay fight, helping to find the pace and shape of the scenes.

Our expert creature animation team also developed the Baby Morph, Neo morph and Xenomorph creature designs during our animation process. As we animated the creatures, we would adjust their anatomy and design based on Ridley & Charley's feedback. We would quickly rebuild and rig the creatures to enable us to adjust their locomotion and finalise the designs before shooting began.

This is a sample of the previs shots against the final film.
CG Movie - Making Of