Adidas Dame 8


Another collaboration with Adidas, this time for the brand new Dame 8 shoe line. Expanding on the general aesthetics of the design lab we created earlier, in this case we added a little Damian Lillard, making the video more aggressive and atmospheric, but still focusing on all the important features for the brand.

Сlient: Adidas

Production Co: Upperline

EP: Zach LaPlante

Design, Direction, CGI: LOOP

Creative Directors: Alex MIkhaylov, Max Chelyadnikov

Art Director: Alex MIkhaylov

CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov

Design: Alexander Eskin

3D Animation Lead: Dmitriy Paukov

FX TD: Artemy Perevertin

3D Modelling: E.D.Satan, Dmitriy Paukov, Alexander Eskin, Filipp Gorbachev

Lighting: Filipp Gorbachev, Alexander Eskin, Max Chelyadnikov

2D Animation: Vladimir Tomin

Compositing: Max Chelyadnikov

Sound: Zelig Sound

CG Adv